Webinar invitation – Enterprise Series: enhance business growth by driving productivity

Start date: June 13, 2024 10:00-10:45am

A successful business model requires invested people and invested leaders. It is essential that your people understand their contribution, and how this leads to further business success and growth.

Implementing and measuring an effective learning and development (L&D) plan improves productivity and has many additional benefits such as improved retention and strengthened company culture – all of which drive growth.  

In this webinar, our expert panel will explain why measuring productivity is key for business leaders to increase profitability and business value. The panel will also discuss initiatives leaders can implement to further drive engagement with their employees. 

You will hear about: 

  • How L&D initiatives can align with business goals and objectives 
  • What metrics and measurements can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of L&D initiatives 
  • How to set KPIs that reveal a sustainable growth trajectory 
  • How to strengthen your market position

Date: June 13, 2024

Time: 10:00-10:45am

Speaker Panel:

Esther Carder, Partner, Moore Kingston Smith 
Julya Holden, Senior Learning & Development Business Partner, Moore Kingston Smith HR Consultancy 
James Davenport, Partner, MooreMentum


Online - Zoom

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