Webinar recording: the changing face of business – managing a hybrid workforce

5 July 2021 / Insight posted in People, Video

With the changing face of business, managing a hybrid workforce has become the norm. We’ve put together our top ten tips to help make hybrid working successful.

How to manage a hybrid workforce

1. Develop a strategy

2. Have a mechanism to check in on employee wellbeing

3. Listen to employee views/gather information

4. Develop new ways of learning/sharing knowledge

5. Develop policies to ensure perception of fairness

6. Managers to lead by example

7. Set clear objectives

8. Arrange working environment assessments

9. Arrange more opportunities to be social (even if virtual)

10. Train managers

If your organisation is already moving toward hybrid working or you want to provide greater flexibility, then creating a strategy could be what you need. We’ve created a structured process that we work through with our clients to help create their own strategy, toiler to their actual ambitions. The process covers:

  • Improving onboarding success, including training and a sense of being welcomed
  • How to maintain and improve a team environment
  • A mechanism to help employees feel committed and invested in the company
  • Processes to help managers recognise problems, and how to address them
  • Achieving buy-in from those resistant to change

How we can help

Please contact us to speak to one of our people experts about how we can help you create a successful hybrid working environment.

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