Improving your charity’s finances (CC12): Updated guidance for trustees
The Charity Commission has released updated guidance for CC12 – Improving your charity’s finances. This update is designed to be more accessible and user-friendly, making it easier for trustees to navigate and find exactly what they need.
CC12 guidance
The guidance is now divided into three clear sections, each focusing on a crucial aspect of financial management:
- Improving your charity’s finances: Practical tips and strategies to boost your charity’s financial health.
- Protection against financial difficulties: Essential advice to safeguard your charity from potential financial troubles.
- What to do if your charity is insolvent or at risk of insolvency: Step-by-step guidance to navigate through challenging times. There is also a checklist to help you understand if your charity is at risk of insolvency.
These updates aim to provide clearer guidelines and enhance the financial management practices of charities, ensuring they operate smoothly and effectively.
Further support for charities
Don’t miss out on these invaluable insights! You can find a copy of the updated guidance on the government website. You can also find more resources and insights on our charities page, or by contacting our expert team.