Legal terms
Moore Kingston Smith LLP a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (registered number OC317343) with its registered office at 9 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AP, United Kingdom.
The content of this website (“Website”) is the copyright of Moore Kingston Smith LLP, its associated companies and affiliates (“Moore Kingston Smith LLP”). Moore Kingston Smith LLP copyright must remain on all reproductions of material downloaded from this Website (“Material”).
The term “partner” refers to a member of Moore Kingston Smith LLP or an employee or consultant with equivalent standing and qualifications or to an individual with equivalent status in one of Moore Kingston Smith LLP’s affiliated undertakings. A list of members of Moore Kingston Smith LLP is open to inspection at its registered office: 9 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AP, United Kingdom.
You may download, store and use the Material for your own personal use and research. You may not republish, retransmit, redistribute or otherwise make the Material available to any other party or make the same available on any website, on-line service or bulletin board of your own or of any other party or make the same available in hard copy or on any other media without Moore Kingston Smith LLP express prior written consent.
The Website is designed for the information of readers only and readers should not act on any of the information contained on the Website without seeking professional advice. Nothing on this Website constitutes advice, nor does the transmission, downloading or sending of any information or the Material create any contractual relationship.
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Moore Kingston Smith LLP accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage suffered by any user of the information contained on or accessed through this Website or the Material downloaded from the Website. By continuing to use this Website you are deemed to accept the above terms and conditions.
The guidance and/or advice contained in this website is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore restricted to consumers based in the UK.
Moore Kingston Smith & Partners LLP a limited liability partnership, registered in England and Wales, No. OC304165
Kingston Smith Consulting LLP a limited liability partnership, registered in England and Wales, No. OC341786
Kingston Smith Pension Trustees LLP a limited liability partnership, registered in England and Wales, No. OC306397
Moore R & D Limited incorporated in England and Wales, No. 12495811
Moore Kingston Smith Group Services Limited incorporated in England and Wales, No. 07154990
Devonshire Group Services Limited incorporated in England and Wales, No. 05398914
Moore Kingston Smith Trust Corporation Limited incorporated in England and Wales, No. 09354269
Moore Kingston Smith Corporate Finance Limited incorporated in England and Wales, No. 01516845
Devonshire Corporate Finance Limited incorporated in England and Wales, No. 09129916
Moore Kingston Smith HR Consultancy Limited incorporated in England and Wales, No. 03317003
Moore ClearComm Limited incorporated in England and Wales, No. 10521104
CS Risk Management and Compliance Limited incorporated in England and Wales, No. 07092964
Moore Kingston Smith Financial Advisers Limited, a limited company registered in England and Wales, No. 07694501
Moore Intelligent Finance Limited incorporated in England and Wales, No. 10460087
Moorementum Limited incorporated in England and Wales, No. 14787999
All entities have their registered office at 9 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AP. A list of all LLP members’ names is available for inspection upon request at this address.
Moore Global
Moore Global, a company incorporated in accordance with the laws of England, provides no audit or other professional services to clients. Such services are provided solely by member firms of Moore in their respective geographic areas. Moore and its member firms are legally distinct and separate entities. They are not and nothing shall be construed to place these entities in the relationship of parents, subsidiaries, partners, joint ventures or agents. No member firm of Moore has any authority (actual, apparent, implied or otherwise) to obligate or bind Moore or any other Moore member firm in any manner whatsoever.