The environment
Moore Kingston Smith is committed to minimising where practicable the environmental impact of our business operations.
As a firm, we:
- strive to improve our environmental performance and integrate best practice into our business operations;
- reduce our consumption of resources and improve efficiency in our use of these resources where practicable;
- recycle waste generated from our business wherever practicable;
- comply with all relevant environmental legislation as well as other environmental requirements to which the firm subscribes.
Our energy policy is to ensure that all of our suppliers are also adequately responsible in their corporate social outlook. We aim to use suppliers that have an active CSR policy where possible.
We are committed to responsible energy management and practises energy efficiency throughout its premises and equipment, wherever it is cost-effective to do so.
We review our energy consumption to make future recommendations for reducing energy demand going forward. Also, to minimise fuel usage, we plan the journeys of our partners and people. Video conferencing is used and encouraged where appropriate.
Recycling and paperless working
We strive to be administratively paperless – operating online systems like e-HR, online pay slips and holiday requests. We also produce documents electronically, rather than in print, wherever possible.
We operate a ‘follow me’ print solution that requires our people to enter a code to release print jobs. This has been proven to save approximately 30% paper usage as unwanted print jobs are deleted on screen before they are printed.
Where paper is used, we recycle it, recycling approximately 24 tonnes of waste paper each year, as well as glass, cans, plastics and cardboard. Redundant IT equipment is also recycled, and once having securely deleted all data stored on our old machines, we use environmentally friendly alternatives to dumping such equipment in landfill sites. We use an IT recycling company which is committed to 0% landfill, and where possible, we recycle for use by local community groups or the machines are dismantled and used for spares and recycling.
We use mixed-source paper approved by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) for our printed marketing collateral. All stationary supplied complies with FSC, ISO 14001, ISO 9001, ISO 9706 and ECF (elemental chlorine free) standards, coming from renewable resources, well-managed forests and/or recycled materials.
To ensure our objectives are being met, we strive to:
- monitor our environmental performance annually;
- communicate the importance of environmental issues to our people;
- work together with our service partners and suppliers to encourage commitment towards improved environmental performance;
- encourage appropriate consideration of environmental issues in the professional services we provide to our clients;
- review our environmental policy regularly.