Rob Husband

Splitting his time in general practice between our West End and City offices, Rob focuses on all communications sector disciplines – particularly design, branding, PR and media – as well as architecture and hospitality. For 25 years, Rob has been helping SMEs with all aspects of business planning and reporting, succession programmes (including management buy-ins), and employee incentives and retention. More and more frequently, he is approached for advice on employee ownership and, critically, the cultural transition it brings, along with the technical aspects.

Rob’s approach is to take a holistic view on the businesses he works with. Rarely is there a separation between the business agenda and that of its owners. For him, the foundation for a proactive adviser is to understand the journey a client wants to embark on or continue. He gets to know each client’s culture and strategy through regular contact while staying up to date with industry developments. This enables him to coordinate the input of specialists in the team around him to deliver measurable value for his clients.

Feedback from Rob’s clients confirms that he is a clear communicator, can explain complex terms in everyday language and is easy to work alongside. They like his pragmatic attitude. If he wouldn’t recommend a certain course of action for a business that he owned himself, he wouldn’t recommend it to a client.

Outside of work, Rob is trustee to several foundations in the photo-journalism sector. Rob also has a keen interest in mentoring. This includes school-age entrepreneurs on how to run a business and newly qualified architects on how to run their own studio.

My insights

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