Cybercrime remains major threat to businesses

7 February 2023 / Insight posted in Article

Lindy Cameron, CEO of the National Crime Security Centre, recently published an appeal reminding business leaders of the continued risks presented by cyber breaches and attacks.

Cameron commented, “The biggest online threat to most UK organisations remains ransomware, a type of malware used by criminals which blocks access to devices and the data stored on them. All of this can seem overwhelming, but the good news is there are steps all organisations can take. As with so many things, the key is good preparation.

Increasingly, we are seeing senior leaders at board level driving the effort to shore up their organisation’s cyber defences and practise incident responses. It is heartening to see more leaders gripping cyber security rather than seeing it as “just a technical issue” and I would encourage others to follow their example.”

Creating a culture of cybersecurity within a company can be essential for protecting your data, systems and networks. It involves educating employees on the importance of cyber safety and adopting best practices and policies to ensure everyone follows safe procedures regarding their online activities.

It also requires setting up checks and balances, such as regularly auditing systems and monitoring access logs to ensure no one is accessing sensitive information or putting the business at risk in any way. Additionally, having robust security protocols for remote workers, such as VPNs and two-factor authentication, helps protect the company’s data from potential breaches or hacks. Companies should also create policies encouraging employees to practice safe online habits when handling sensitive information.

At Moore ClearComm (a Moore Kingston Smith company), we want to help our clients mitigate the risk of being hacked or experiencing a breach. We are offering clients a free data privacy and cyber security review (valued at £750) which gives an overview of an organisation’s potential exposure and benchmark it against the UK GDPR and cyber security standards.

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