Lasting Powers of Attorney

20 July 2022 / Insight posted in Practical guides

Moore Kingston Smith’s legal team have created a guide on the function of the two types of Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA). It also explores who can act as your attorney and how we can guide you through the process of completing an LPA.


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How can Moore Kingston Smith assist me?

Using a professional firm to prepare and register your LPAs can avoid mistakes which may result in your LPA being rejected by the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG). Any LPAs not prepared or registered in accordance with the correct procedure will be rejected and you are likely to have to pay the OPG’s registration fee again for any repeat application. Moore Kingston Smith will take your instructions and ensure that your LPAs are drafted in accordance with your wishes and are completed and registered in accordance with OPG guidelines. You do not have to have both types of LPAs, but as the intention is to cover any future eventualities it is sensible to draft them both at the same time, register them, but not to invoke them until necessary.

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