Webinar recording – Enterprise series: navigating a high inflation economy

23 October 2023 / Insight posted in Enterprise series, Business

In an economy marked by raised inflation, challenges such as reduced purchasing power, erosion of savings, heightened investment uncertainty, and increased interest rates on loans, all become prominent when reviewing personal as well as business finances.

With the UK consistently experiencing higher inflation rates compared to other G7 nations, a comprehensive understanding of available opportunities, associated risks, and strategic levers becomes essential in effectively navigating this period of uncertainty.

In our recent webinar, our expert panel of financial planners, mortgage advisors, and Schroders economist George Brown, together discussed various areas people are considering within the current economic backdrop.

These areas included an overview into the key drivers behind current inflation, how historical insights could potentially help navigate current times, impact upon personal financial goals and retirement planning, how rising rates impact mortgages and if now is a good time to purchase property.

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