How using different energy colours can positively impact your team, culture, and business performance

24 October 2023 / Insight posted in Article

The type of energy your people bring to the workplace can be closely tied to the overall energy of your organisation and its performance. Your people will have different energy styles, and it is essential as a manager to understand this to further adapt your overall business performance, as well as retain your people.

Learning how to adapt your conversations to accommodate an employee’s preferences while holding a meaningful conversation, can be key to building a team that thrives and fosters trust between colleagues and mangers.

Are you confident how you need to communicate the plans and the objectives with your managers team and people in a way that will motivate them and get them engaged?

Consider this question, which of your managers will:

  • Want more time to consider and process the information you’ve given them, need more meticulous written details of the process, and any relating documents
  • Be excited to discuss the ideas within the meeting and be more motivated through verbal discussions that allow them to visualise how their own personal contribution enhances the new process
  • Be more motivated if you go into the conversation with an idea of who they can lean on for support if they need it and may need reassurance
  • Want a brief meeting that quickly explains the new process and exactly what is needed from them, by when.

This is where Moore Kingston Smith People Advisory can help, introducing Insights Discovery and the four different colour energies.
Insights Discovery workshops are key for leaders and managers to really understand their people. Knowing how to motivate them and communicating with them will get the best performance results. How to support your people knowing their preferred working and learning style will set your business up for success.

Effective communication generates 4.5 times higher talent retention.
(Bit 2021)
97% of workers believe that communication impacts tasks every day.
(Expert market 2021)
86% of employees and executives cite lack of collaboration or ineffective communication for workplace failures.
(sales force 2017)











Why should I know what colour preferences my people have?

Understanding more about how to effectively communicate and drive the different colour energies is vital for leaders to boost team performance and unlock their full potential.
A high performing team is where each individual feels valued and performs to their highest potential. When looking at your recruitment strategy, you must consider structuring your teams to include all four colour preferences to create a more balanced approach towards decision making and therefore a more supportive environment.
Success depends on each person understanding their role and delivering the best possible experience. This depends on them understanding the new process, what the expectations are, how they should be communicating this and changes along with timescales and outcomes.

Learning how to adapt your conversations to accommodate an employee’s preferences while holding a meaningful conversation can be key to building a team that thrives and fosters trust between colleagues and mangers.

Our half, or full day Insights Discovery workshops are designed to get your people to think about not only their own colour preferences, but also educate and support them in how to identify it in others. This in turn will help them adapt their communication style appropriately, creating a more considerate, understanding, and harmonious work environment.

Get in touch with our accredited insights coaches to discuss how we can best help you.


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