Payrolling benefits vs. P11Ds – the smart choice for UK businesses

2 July 2024 / Insight posted in Article

Offering attractive employee benefits is vital in today’s market but the compliance and administrative side can be a major burden for UK businesses. Though it’s essential to comply with HMRC reporting requirements, how you choose to handle those benefits directly impacts your payroll team’s workload, accuracy risk and your overall bottom line.

Here, we dive into the world of these benefits and why it presents a compelling alternative to P11D-focused administration.

The challenge of P11D-focused benefits

P11D forms exist for a reason: to report taxable benefits in kind provided to employees. However, relying solely on this method for handling benefits shifts the compliance focus toward a single annual scramble. In the intervening months, payroll must still make accurate deductions and adjustments as benefits are utilised or as rules and provider offerings change. This creates numerous opportunities for errors and inefficiencies.

How payrolling benefits works differently

Payrolling benefits integrates the management of taxable benefits directly into your regular payroll cycles. Moore Kingston Smith, as a reputable outsourcing provider, leverages advanced systems that often connect seamlessly with your HR management systems. Here’s what this means for your business:

Less manual input: Changes in employee benefit elections or plan adjustments are reflected automatically — a major reduction in error risk.
Real-time tax handling: Deductions happen precisely when employees utilise the benefit, enhancing transparency on payslips and avoiding surprises at tax time.
Reduced P11D workload: Depending on the benefit types, payrolling often either significantly reduces the number of P11Ds required or can streamline their completion – eliminating a massive compliance headache.

Beyond HMRC reporting – payroll as your partner

The advantages of outsourcing with payrolling benefits extend beyond simple reporting tasks. Let’s consider a few scenarios:

Auto-enrolment compliance: Payroll outsourcing removes the complexity of accurately tracking eligibility and contribution changes when rules change or staff move in/out of qualification.

Salary sacrifice: Such programmes work well with payrolling. Implementing them in-house frequently creates complex and error-prone payroll calculations.

Expertise on tap: We are obligated to remain fully up to date on regulatory changes that impact taxable benefits. Your in-house team is freed from that administrative load.

The decision between payrolling and P11D-focused benefit management is never one-size-fits-all. However, given payroll benefits will be compulsory from April 2026, the question is do you move across to payrolling benefits sooner rather than later?

We have recently put together a guide on these new mandatory rules, what they are and how to register, which you can find here.

Contact Moore Kingston Smith for a no-obligation assessment of your unique benefit offering. We’ll provide a clear comparison of what a payrolling solution looks like, demonstrating how your time and resources are freed up by leveraging our cutting-edge tools and deep expertise.

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