Webinar recording: Should you consider an Employee Ownership Trust as an exit strategy for your business?


The panel were certainly not short of issues to discuss and questions to answer in this lively interactive session. They have contributed some of their top tips to take away below: Talk to a tax advisor at the outset to ensure there are no surprises further down the line – the devil is in the…


Webinar recording: crisis, what crisis?


Our experts have compiled their key takeaways from our session on handling crisis. If you would like more information about anything discussed, please contact us. How to handle crisis Insolvency Have a 13 week rolling cashflow so that you can review your cash position regularly and take notes of all key decisions to evidence your…


Webinar recording: should you consider an Employee Ownership Trust as an exit strategy for your business?


The panel were certainly not short of issues to discuss and questions to answer in this lively interactive session. They have contributed some of their top tips to take away below: Ensure the price at which you sell to the Employee Ownership Trust (EOT) is at fair market value and has input from a professional.…


Webinar recording: how will the Chancellor’s budget reforms affect you?


In this session we discussed the broad implications of the measures announced at the Budget and how they may affect you and your organisation. Top take aways from the budget Increase in the rate of corporation tax from 1 April 2023: Accelerate income and capital gains if possible so your company pays tax at 19%…


Webinar recording: the importance of business continuity planning – learning from the pandemic to deal with the next major threat


We were delighted to welcome John Eary, Director of JEC Professional Services to speak at the latest in our webinar series. John is a business continuity expert who works with a wide variety of clients to ensure that they have robust plans and systems in place. In this session John covered: The importance and purpose…


Webinar recording: future trading – how businesses can emerge stronger post COVID-19 and Brexit


Now more than ever, businesses need to transform themselves to meet the challenges that continue to emerge as a result of the ongoing pandemic and Brexit. How businesses respond, in these uncertain times, will determine how London and the UK can evolve and remain one of the best places in the world to do business.…


Webinar recording: is your strategy fit for a post-Coronavirus era?


There has been a relentless focus on survival during the pandemic, yet businesses still face uncertainty. Seven months on from the beginning of the Coronavirus crisis, it’s important that businesses look to the next stage of recovery and reset their business for growth within the confines of the new normal. In this webinar, we clarified…


Webinar recording: operating in the new normal


As lockdown restrictions ease, many organisations are working to understand what the shift to remote working could mean for them. Some may decide that their office space is no longer needed at all, while others look to downsize, re-purpose or re-locate. Join us for a discussion on the future of physical workplaces, and what opportunities…


Webinar recording: strategies for success – business development


Our expert panel were on hand again to kick off the webinar with an update on the latest developments over the past week. Head of tax, Tim Stovold and Richard Cummings, Managing Director of our HR Consultancy gave us an update on PILON and the furlough scheme as well as some issues to look out…


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